Each chapter in this book describes the life of an extraordinary woman whose story, religious beliefs, practices and social background make her an amazing role model. What the women have in common is that each of them admirably exemplifies Jewish values, encouraging readers to emulate the lifestyle choices of them all. It was not easy to limit the selection to only a select few from the tremendous number of unusual women who contributed their special qualities in so many ways throughout Jewish history. We hope that as you read about each woman, you will understand why each one was chosen to tell her story. At the end of each biography there is a section with thought-provoking questions, project ideas, and additional resources, including books and websites, for further learning and research about these influential Jewish role models.
DEBORAH • Judge, Prophetess and Military Leader
ESTHER • The Queen Who Saved Her People
DOÑA GRACIA NASI • Stateswoman on Behalf of Jews and Judaism
GLÜCKEL OF HAMELN • Model of Highest Business Ethics and Jewish Values
REBECCA GRATZ • Early American Pioneer in Jewish Education
HANNAH SZENES • Poetess Turned Freedom Fighter
REBECCA REUBEN • Teacher and Community Leader
GOLDA MEIR • Political Fighter for Her People’s Existence
ANNA TICHO • Artist Who Captured the Spirit of Jerusalem on Canvas
NAOMI SHEMER • First Lady of Israeli Music
RUTH BADER GINSBURG • Gentle Power in America’s Highest Court
ABBY JOSEPH COHEN • Trailblazer in the World of Finance
by Miriam P. Feinberg and Miriam Klein Shapiro (z’l)
224 pages; hard cover
Click to the Soft cover edition
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